Singing Guide: Archie Roach

Singing Guide: Archie Roach

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Archie Roach is a legendary Australian singer and songwriter whose voice embodies his personal journey of survival, recovery, and identity. Growing up as a member of the Stolen Generations, Archie's life experiences have shaped his musical style, which fuses elements of folk, rock, country, and indigenous Australian music. His distinctive voice, heartfelt lyrics, and uniquely Australian sound make him an inspiration for a new generation of singers.

One of the unique vocal techniques that Archie Roach uses is the fusion of indigenous Australian languages and English within his lyrics. He sings with a powerful, throaty voice, often punctuating his lyrics with trills and yips that mimic the sounds of the Australian bush. His use of indigenous languages showcases his cultural heritage, while also creating a unique sound that is instantly recognizable.

To learn how to sing like Archie Roach, a good starting point is to practice singing with a throaty, powerful tone. Experiment with incorporating trills and yips into your singing to create a more distinctive sound. It is also important to pay attention to breath support, as this will help you to sustain long phrases and create a more dynamic vocal range.

Here are some Singing Carrots resources that can help you to further develop your vocal skills and style like Archie Roach:

  • Vocal Range Test: Use this tool to determine your vocal range and compare it to Archie's range.
  • Pitch Accuracy Test: Test your pitch accuracy and work on improving your intonation.
  • Pitch Training: Develop your pitch and ear training skills through exercises and games.
  • Vocal Health: Learn how to take care of your voice and prevent vocal damage.
  • Voice Registers & Vocal Break: Understand how to use and transition between different voice registers to create depth and variation in your singing.
  • Breathing Basics: Explore different breathing techniques to improve your breath support and control.
  • Performing Tips: Learn practical tips on how to perform on stage and connect with your audience.

In terms of songs to showcase Archie's unique vocal style, check out "Took the Children Away" and "Charcoal Lane" from his debut album. These songs feature his distinctive voice and powerful lyrics that reflect his personal story.

By practicing with Singing Carrots resources and incorporating Archie Roach's unique vocal techniques and styling, you can develop a singing style that not only sounds great but also reflects your own story and cultural heritage.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.